SDG Training Programs
Jane has considerable experience in design and delivery of training programs, working for various universities (as tutor or adjunct professor) and as an adult educator for the previous Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission.
In 2017, Jane developed a training program addressing Sustainable Development Goal No. 8 (Decent work and economic growth) which has now been customised and delivered in a number of different countries. This can be configured as a one day workshop, or a 3-4 day action learning program.
As Chair of EAROPH’s SDG Training Committee Jane has worked with other EAROPH members to develop a training program on SDG17 (Partnerships). This draws on her experience as an accredited facilitator for the World Bank Business Partners in Development Program.

In 2020-21 Jane led a team from EAROPH in developing a six module training program on How to Develop a Housing Policy in partnership with UN-Habitat. This was originally tailored for delivery in Malaysia but can be customised for presentation in a wide range of cultural contexts and jurisdictions.